The 429th Subscription Concert
キンボー・イシイ (指揮)
会場 : 愛知県芸術劇場 コンサートホール
Aichi Prefectural Arts Theater Concert Hall
[全席指定]S席:¥6,200 A席:¥5,100 B席:¥4,100 C席:¥3,100
D席:¥2,100 Y席:¥1,000(24歳以下・当日券のみ)
主催:公益財団法人 名古屋フィルハーモニー交響楽団
Tel. 052-339-5666
<ブラームスの新陳代謝>ブラームス: ハイドンの主題による変奏曲 作品56a
ブラームス[べリオ編]: クラリネット・ソナタ第1番 ヘ短調 作品120-1*
ニールセン: 交響曲第5番 作品50, FS.97
2014年、ウィーン楽友協会においてウィーン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団(アダム・フィッシャー指揮)と、カール・ニールセン作曲の「クラリネット協奏曲」を演奏する他、サントリーホールにおいてNHK交響楽団(ロリン・マゼール指揮)、カラカスのシモン・ボリバル交響楽団(グスターボ・ドゥダメル指揮)とカール・M . v. ウェーバー作曲の「クラリネット協奏曲 第2番」で共演し好評を博した。
Daniel Ottensamer,Clarinet
Daniel Ottensamer is one of the world's leading clarinetists.
He is a prizewinner of the most prestigious international competitions, such as the “Carl Nielsen International Clarinet Competition” in Denmark 2009, the International Clarinet Competition of the “Animato Foundation” in Zurich 2006, as well as the Encouragement Prize Competition of the Concert Society in Munich 2005.
As a soloist he is regularly invited to perform with renowned orchestras, such as the Mozarteum Orchestra Salzburg, the NHK Symphony Orchestra, the Munich Radio Orchestra, the Cologne Radio Orchestra, the Folkwang Chamber Orchestra Essen, the Radio-Symphony Orchestra Vienna, the Vienna Chamber Orchestra, the Odense Symphony Orchestra, the NHK Symphony Orchestra and the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra with conductors such as Lorin Maazel, Gustavo Dudamel, Adam Fischer, Ivor Bolton, etc. He has toured extensively throughout Asia, the United States of America and Europe.
In April 2014 Daniel Ottensamer celebrates his debut as a soloist with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra performing the clarinet concerto of Carl Nielsen.
He has been principal clarinetist in the Vienna Philharmonic, as well as in the Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera since 2009. As a chamber musician he has worked together with musicians such as Angelika Kirchschlager, Barbara Bonney, Thomas Hampson, Bernarda Fink, Julian Rachlin, Clemens Hagen, Stefan Vladar, as well as with the Steude Quartet and the Aron Quartet. Collaborating as a member with the chamber music formations “The Clarinotts”, “The Philharmonics”, and the “Baole-Quintet” have furthered his artistry.
A recording of the J.Brahms and CM.v. Weber clarinet sonatas with Christoph Traxler was published at "Classic Concert Records".