David Seidel

David Seidel (bassoon)

David Seidel, Bassoon

Born in Salzburg in 1976.

Studied under Milan Turkovich, Yoshinori Tominaga, and Richard Galler at the Mozarteum College of Music. Received the Austrian Federal Government Encouragement Award for excellent results.

In 1998, he joined the Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra, and in 2004 he was appointed principal player, a position he continues to this day. In addition to performing as a guest with orchestras representing Europe such as the Vienna Philharmonic and the Munich Philharmonic, he has performed as a soloist with the Wiener Radio Symphony Orchestra and the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra. He has also performed with other groups such as the Baole Wien Wind Quintet.

Since 2010, he has been teaching young musicians as a bassoon professor at the Graz Kunitachi College of Music, and in Japan he is teaching as a lecturer at the Hamamatsu International Academy of Wind Instruments.

His debut CDs "David Seidel Bassoon and Piano" (2008) and "Theophil Ensemble" (2011) have been released from Classic Concert Records, and "Baole Quintet" (2014) from Camerata Tokyo.

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