Kobe City Chamber Orchestra 157th Regular Concert
"Spring through the countryside"
[Date and time]
Saturday, April 22, 2023
Start 15:00
Kobe Bunka Hall Large Hall
Conductor: Hidemi Suzuki
Piano: Yuko Kumoto
Kobe City Chamber Orchestra
[Admission fee]
All seats reserved S4,000 yen/A2,000 yen/U25 1,000 yen
(Public interest incorporated foundation) Kobe Citizens Cultural Promotion Foundation
Tel: 078-361-7241
Delius: Two Pieces for Small Orchestra"Hearing the cuckoo's voice for the first time in spring" "Summer night on the river"
Grieg: Piano Concerto in A Minor, Op.16 <180th Anniversary of Grieg's Birth>
Beethoven: Symphony No. 6 ``Pastoral'' in F major, Op. 68