Hanover Harmonists

Luxury entertainment that captivates audiences with beautiful voices, rhythmic and perfect harmony, sophisticated movements and jokes.


Ansgar Pfeiffer (counter tenor)

Hartwig Meinecke (counter tenor)

Thomas Kirschner (tenor)

Hans Christian Hinz (tenor)

Sebastian Hennig (baritone)

Michael Jeckel (bass)

Formed in 1988. All of them are former members of the Hannover Boys' Choir, and as children they underwent rigorous musical and vocal training to develop beautiful voices. In addition, she has expanded her repertoire from classical to popular music, and her beautiful singing voice, smart movements, and jokes visually attract the audience. He has impressed millions of audiences with his radio and television appearances, including receptions at the German Bundestag and Lower Saxony state parliament, appearances at the Hannover Opera Ball, trade fairs and international conferences. Their vast repertoire includes Renaissance madrigals, sacred music, gospel music, musicals, film music, and jazz. In 2000 he was the official musician of the German Expo.

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