Wiener Johann Strauss Orchestra New Year Concert 2008 (Amagasaki performance)
Wiener Johann Strauss Orchestra New Year Concert 2008
Venue : Archaic Hall
All reserved seats All seats by reservation only S¥8,000 A¥7,000 B¥6,000 C¥5,000 Pair S¥15,000 Student ¥3,000 (advance sales only, Hall only)
A venerable orchestra founded by the waltz king Johann Strauss!
The elegant and splendid performance backed by tradition is exactly the finest sound that only the real thing can do!
Johann Strauss I-Overture to the operetta "The Fledermaus"
Polka "Tick Tac Polka"
Waltz "Vienna Temperament"
Polka "Farmer's Polka"
Polka "Electric Basin"
Waltz "Emperor Waltz"
Entrance march from the operetta "Gypsy Baron"
Waltz "Tales from the Vienna Woods"
Polka "From the Stock Exchange"
Waltz "The Beautiful Blue Danube"
Polka "Thunder and Lightning"
Josef Strauss-
Polka "Small windmill"
Polka Mazurka "Dragonfly"
Polka Schnell "On a Vacation Trip"
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