Christian Lindberg
Trombone Recital in Tokyo
World Brass Virtuoso Series 2016
25th anniversary of Christian Lindbergh's arrival in Japan
The Special Event
[Same-day ticket] (advance sale ends)
Same-day tickets will be sold at the venue from 18:30.
*Specially limited seats are available only for Pro Arte Musique
[Sponsor] Japan Trombone Association
[Organizer] Pro Arte Musice
Presented by Pro Arte Musicae
→Click here to join the PAM club!!
This is Lindbergh's solo program in response to everyone's requests!!L. Grendal: Trombone Concerto
Launy Grndahl: Concerto
J. Cage: Sliding Trombone
John Cage: Solo for Sling Trombone
S. Schreck: Trombone Sonata "Gabrieli's Voice"
Stjepan Sulek: Trombone sonata "Vox Gabrieli"
C. Saint-Saëns: Swan
Camille Saint-Sans: Le cygne
V. Monty: Czardash
Vittorio Monti: Czardas
�U tangophoria
A. Piazzolla: Winter in Buenos Aires
stor Piazzolla: Buenos Aires Winter
JC Kobian: My lair
Juan Carlos Cobin: Mi refugio
A. Piazzolla: Adios Nonino
stor Piazzolla: Adis Nonino
A. Piazzolla: Spring in Buenos Aires
stor Piazzolla: Buenos Aires Spring
A. Piazzolla: Angel of the Milonga
stor Piazzolla: Milonga del ngel
A. Piazzolla: Summer in Buenos Aires
stor Piazzolla: Buenos Aires Summer
*The performance program is subject to change without notice. Please note.
Christian Lindbergh [Profile]Christian Lindberg[Biography]
Roland Pentinen, piano
Roland Pntinen, piano
He made his debut with the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra in 1981, and has since performed with numerous major orchestras around the world. Invited to famous music festivals such as Schleswig-Holstein, Verbier and La Roque d'Antheon, he has performed with conductors such as EP Salonen, R. Flubeck de Burgos, E. Svetlanov and L. Segerstam.
With outstanding technique, he covers a wide repertoire from Bach to Ligeti.
In recent years, he has also worked on large projects such as the performance of Beethoven's "Piano Sonata Complete Concert" and Liszt's "Years of Pilgrimage (complete)". Many composers, including SE Beck, VM Puumala, and A. Eliasson, dedicated their songs to him. He has a reputation as a chamber musician, B. Hendrix (sop), J. Janssen (vn), Nobuko Imai (va), M. Frest (cl), Z. Zeitlin (vn), T. Teden (vc), H.・He has performed with many famous musicians such as Hardenberger (tp), A. Terefsen (vn), C. Lindbergh (tb), and N. Gedda (ten).
This season, she plans to tour Japan, Taiwan, England and Holland, and perform with the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Sakari Oramo.
Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music. In 2001, he was awarded the “Litteris et Artibus” (Cultural Achievement Award) by the Swedish Royal Family.
Jens Lundberg, Bandoneon
Jens Lundberg, Bandneon
Born in Stockholm. He studied under the Argentinian bandoneon player Juan José Mossalini at the Edgar Varèse Conservatoire in Paris and received a diploma. Studied under masters Nestor Marconi, Walter Rios and Per Arne Grovigen. In 2012, he received the Alvin Hagstrom Memorial Award, a famous Swedish guitar and accordion maker. He has also been involved in the production of the Malmö Opera House and has performed with the Musika Vite Chamber Orchestra and the Montevideo Tango Quartet. He is also a frequent member of the trio band Arco, Stockholm Tango Duo, Trio Tremendissimo and Duo dos Hueges.