Daniel Ottensamer Clarinet Recital
Venue: Musashino Swing Hall
Co-starring: Chika Murata (piano)
[All seats reserved] General: ¥4,000 Student: ¥3,600 (sold out)
* Preschool children are not allowed to enter.
Inquiries: Musashino Cultural Foundation 0422-54-2011
Bassi: Rigoletto FantasyD. Ottensamer: Recollection (clarinet solo)
Poulenc: Clarinet: Sonata
Covac: Homage to Manuel de Falla (clarinet solo)
Hello Mr. Gershwin
hungarian folk song
Sholem Aleichem
Brahms: Interlude
Horowitz: Sonatine
*The program may change without notice. note that.