Bassoon Trio Salzburg 2019
CD release concert
July 4, 2019 (Thursday) Denki Bunka Kaikan The Concert Hall 19:00 start (18:30 open) [C]
Single ticket [advance general] 4,000 yen / [same-day general] 4,500 yen
[Students (university students and under)] 2,000 yen
Set ticket [general] 6,000 yen [students (university students and under)] 2,500 yen
→Please see the bottom section for details on the set ticket.
→ Same-day tickets are available. Tickets will be sold at the venue from 18:15.
What is a set ticket?
[Assemblage] Set ticket with performance
A set ticket with the concert of the bassoon quartet Assemblage in August is available.
"Set ticket" is a combination of AA' [Tokyo] BB' [Osaka] C-C' [Nagoya] for each venue.
Please note that performances in different venues (e.g. A and B') and combinations of performances in different locations by the same group (e.g. Tokyo and Osaka for Bassoon Trio Salzburg, etc.) are not permitted.
Assemblage performance information
August 12th (Mon/Holiday) 14:00 Tokyo JT Art Hall A'
August 14th (Wednesday) 19:00 Osaka The Phoenix Hall B'
August 15th (Thursday) 19:00 Nagoya The Concert Hall Denki Bunka Kaikan C'
Single ticket General 3,000 yen Student (under college student) 1,000 yen