The 42nd
Japan Flute Festival in Tokyo 2020
January 4, 2020 (Sat) 14:00 start / 13:30 open
Sumida Triphony Hall
[Admission fee]
3,000 yen for adults, 1,500 yen for students (university students and younger)
*Advance sales end
Same-day tickets will be on sale from 13:30 at the venue reception!
Japan Flute Festival in Tokyo Executive Committee
Japan Flute Association
Ticket Pia 0570-02-9999 (P code: 164-504)
Lawson ticket 0570-084-003 (L code: 33358)
Triphony Hall Ticket Center 03-5608-1212
Other flute shops
-Opening by professional, amateur and junior flutists-E. Elgar/Akiko Nakamura Arrangement: March "Pomp and Circumstance" No.1 *with pipe organ
-Flute orchestra by amateur flutists-
A. Dvorak/Hoitsuro Arrangement: 4th movement from Symphony No. 9 "New World"
-Ensemble by junior flutists-
FA Hoffmeister: Terzett "Chicken Cuckoo Donkey"
F. Lehar/Hoitsuro Arrangement: Waltz "Gold and Silver"
-Flute Orchestra by Professional Flutists-
PI Tchaikovsky/Hoitsuro Arrangement: Ballet music from "The Nutcracker"
Little Overture / Pine Forest in Winter / Magic Castle in the Kingdom of Sweets / Spanish Dance
/Chinese Dance /Russian Dance /Flower Waltz
-Together with everyone at the venue-
E. Elgar/Akiko Nakamura Arrangement: March "Pomp and Circumstance" No.1 *with pipe organ
*The order of the songs played is subject to change.