Artist name: Michel Becquet (Trombone)
PAMP-1039 ¥2618 (tax included)
Rachmaninoff: ElegyS. Rachmaninov : Elegie op.3-1
Mendelssohn: Song without words in D major
F. Mendelssohn : Lied ohne Worte op.109
Honegger: Homage for the Trombone - entrusting the regret of the composer who could not attend the performance
A. Honegger : Hommage du trombone exprimant la tristesse de l'auteur absent,
E. Bozza: Ballade Eugene Bozza : Ballade op.62
J. Castelade: Sonatine
J. Casterede : Sonatine
B. Croll: Capriccio da Camera
B. Krol : Capriccio da camera
F. Kreisler: Love Sorrow