artist name :
Belgian Brass Ensemble Ensemble de Cuivres de Belgique
Michel Becquet (Trombone)
PAMP-1049 / JAN code = 4571326830061
E. Crespo: Spirit of BrassA. DiLorenzo: Little Russian Circus
J. Geese: Jealousy
H. Berlioz: "In Memoriam" from the Grand Symphony of Funeral and Victory (Solo: Michel Becke)
D. Shostakovich: Concertino
A. Aquist: Synopsis 2.0
A. Piazzolla: Novitango
M. Colombier: Emmanuel (Solo: Michel Becke)
M. Giacchino: The movie "The Incredibles"
[1] Enrique Crespo: Spirit of brass 1:40
Anthony Di lorenzo: A little Russian Circus
[2] Tent of Terror 2:26
[3] Nikolai the Magnificent 3:15
[4] Rings of Fire 2:29
[5] Jacob Gade: Jealousy 6:29
[6] Hector Berlioz: Oraison funbre / Soliste: Michel Becquet 6:09
[7] Dmitrii Shostakovitch: Concertino 9:31
[8] Antoine Acquisto: Synopsis 2:18
[9] Astor Piazzolla: Novitango 3:50
[10] Michel Colombier: Emmanuel / Soliste: Michel Becquet 2:59
[11] Michael Giacchino: Les indestructibles 2:41
◆Belgian Brass EnsembleEnsemble de Cuivres de Belgique
A Belgian brass ensemble consisting of 11 talented musicians: 4 trumpets, 4 trombones, 2 horns, and 1 tuba. Graduated from one of Belgium's leading conservatories, the elite who are active in famous orchestras gather to share their passion for music. With a strong bond and passion, they are always working on fresh and highly artistic projects, working hard to spread brass instruments and their own music.
The Belgian Brass Ensemble concerts offer an ever-changing range of ensembles, from brass quintets and trobon quartets to large brass ensembles. It is a concert where you can enjoy rich nuances, a wide range of tones, and highly sensitive musicality.
Boasting an extremely wide repertoire, from Bach to Shostakovich, Piazzolla and film scores, he satisfies the tastes and musical curiosities of all audiences.
1. Michael Tambour (Belgian Air Force Military Band Soloist)
2. Juan Escribano (Liege Philharmonic Orchestra soloist)
3.Sébastien Lemaire (Liege Royal Philharmonic Orchestra)
4. Thierry Deon (Belgian Air Force Band)
5. Pascal Moreau (Belgian Air Force Military Band Soloist)
6. Jonathan Dumoulin (Belgian Air Force Band)
7. Jan Demesenner (Belgian Air Force Band)
8. Gerard Evrard (Liege Royal Philharmonic Orchestra soloist)
9. Alexander Mainz (Orchestra of the Royal Walloon Opera House)
10. Robin Lanchard (Belgian Navy Military Band)
11. Alexandre Brivois (bass trombonist, Royal Symphonic Wind Orchestra of Guide, Belgium)
Michel Becke (trombone)
Michel Becquet, Trombone
Born in Limoges, France in 1954. His exquisite performance, sharp sensitivity, and unique timbre have earned him worldwide acclaim as one of the most outstanding performers of the French school. Graduated from the Limoges Conservatory and the National Conservatory of Music in Paris at an exceptionally early stage. Winner of all international competitions such as Geneva, Munich, Prague and Toulon. At the age of 18 he was appointed principal soloist of the Orchester de la Suisse Romande by W. Sawallisch and later joined the Paris Opera Orchestra. In 1989, he left the company and began teaching at the Cologne University of Music.
In 1972, he founded the Paris Trombone Quartet. In 1990, he became the head of the Department of Brass Instruments at the French National Conservatoire. He also serves as lifelong leader of the Cuible Français (French brass ensemble) founded in May 1989. The French Brass Ensemble brings together soloists from major orchestras for the first time under the musical guidance of Thierry Cans and Becke. He also founded the "Ensemble Octobone", consisting of 8 trombones, 1 tuba and 2 percussions, made up of his beloved pupils and fellow musicians from the trombone class of the Conservatoire National de Lyon. Currently, he is a professor at the Lyon Conservatory and the Lausanne Conservatory.